Monday, March 19, 2012

Wednesday, March 14 – continued

After lunch, the seniors all worked with extreme intensity. Sister Carmen did not think we could complete the jobs she had assigned in three days. They were not leaving
until they were completed. A few children came out to play and one on one our
seniors sat down on the concrete and did crafts. The work crews continued and as jobs
completed, more children seemed to arrive. Everyone had some time with the children at the end of the day. The school children arrived and Chad was able to share a Spanish New Testament with her – sheer delight! Savannah and her new friend Kathryn made
necklaces, Michael Reaves little boy would not leave his side, Hannah F had
several all over her, Page had a little boy clinging to her as she rocked him
to sleep, and many more connections. As we were putting up the tools in the back tool shed, there was a homeless man digging through the dumpster just on the other side of the gate. He was going through the trash bags from our lunch. Scenes like this can really be
overwhelming. The cook “just happened” (there is no such thing as a coincidence with GodJ) to come out carrying an additional bag. When she saw him, she told him that she had food. Hewas less than 25 feet from a hot, clean meal. It really struck me that often, we are like this with God. We settle for the trashy food offered to us left from the world. God bids us to come
and dine with Him daily and feast on His Word. We should look to Him first.
As the bus arrived, the tears began. The final jobs were finishing the flower bed, painting the steps, and painting the room was completed. Count is all Joy! No one wanted to leave. Many have discussed returning. Hearts have been permanently marked with a passion for orphans. “Pure and undefiled religion before God the Father is this, to care for widows and orphans in their misfortune and keep oneself unstained by the world.” James 1:27 I feel very confident many, many of these seniors will serve on mission teams in the future.

We ate dinner tonight at a local Puerto Rican restaurant. Many of the students tried a
local dish. They have been great about trying new things. We had ice cream for
dessert and all were happy. Tonight, the students shared the most meaningful part of their week. It was special to have each individual vocalize how the work had impacted them.
Again, there were tears. It is hard to understand the despair of these children. One had been abused and one child’s parents were dead and they separated her siblings into different homes because it would be easier to place them one by one and they felt it was better for them to
begin the adjustment. An infant arrived while we were there. Both she and her
mother had been abused. Motherless, fatherless children, looking for a home, looking for love.
The students continue having great conversations with one another, sitting up way too late sharing hopes, dreams, and thoughts. I have learned so incredibly much about
everyone! They are a great group ofstudents. 3 o’clock –lights out. Count it all Joy!

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