Thursday, March 15, 2012

Wednesday, March 14th

Today – I must start by saying – COUNT IT ALL JOY!!!! I am so excited about the way the Lord worked today. Let me begin with the end – last night ended after 3 o’clock for many of us – great conversations – powerful decisions – although personal details will not be included in this blog – I just want to begin by saying – thank you for your prayers. Thank you for your words of encouragement through the comments – the Spirit is stirring in the hearts of many of these seniors – they have felt the joy of being His hands and feet – and I know this experience will touch their hearts for a lifetime – both here and eternally!!!! Count it all Joy!!!

We left the hotel early for our final day at the home. The realization that this was the final day was already emotional. There were specific jobs they were determined to finish, friendships that they wanted to further cultivate, and ministry. The students jumped right into work. Painting, digging, hauling. The area that many had worked all week to prepare needed dirt – something we take for granted . The only possible solution was behind a gated area. We did not have an extra wheelbarrow – but there was a grocery cart. Note – necessity is the mother of invention. We lined it with a trash bag and down the hill we went. In the area we are working – rock and soil seem to coexist. The boys literally had to pickax the soil in order to get to usable dirt. Kin, Michael H, Nick, Townsend, Paige, Hannah S, Art, and Courtney were so determined to complete the task. Meanwhile, Emily and Ben were painting steps, Michael R, Lexie, Luke, Holly, Savannah, Jonathan, Hannah F, Courtney M, and Chad painted fences and a small room.

The home is surrounded by a very secure fence. The gates have double locks and cars need to be clicked in from the office. We were all busy at work when the gates opened and police officers, in full attire, begin marching through the gate. The leader was carrying a flag and 20 to 30 men and women were marching in perfect step. Although a surprising sight for us- the children went wild! They immediately ran up to the officers hugging them as they marched down the hill. The officers visit the home several times a year. They went to the shelter and brought in speakers and began playing music and dancing with the children. Next, pizza arrived. They had lunch and the music began again. Drums, tambourines and dancing. Many of our seniors joined the celebration. Joy – sheer joy! The officers began hauling in supplies. Diapers, cleaners, toys, clothes, and daily necessities were hauled in large bags. One of the officers and her brother had been raised at this home. She now is dedicated to supporting the needs and her brother works on the site. Love received – love shared. What an example for each of us! Then, with the same
rhythm arrived – they lined up and began to march away. Our seniors gave each officer a cross. What a moment. Count it all joy!!!

It is time for us to leave for the day. I will complete this tonight. Please know this is all incredible. Keep on praying – trust me – it is working!!! Count it all joy!


  1. WOW!!! I cannont express what JOY your blogs have brought to my heart! To know that these young people are experiencing God move in and through them is so moving. For them to see others give back with such extravagant abandon and joy is a wonderful life lesson. Isn't it just like God whose extravagant love caused Him to send us Jesus, who gave His all for us?! We are especially happy to see our mission team have such a servant's proud of y'all! Praying for God to give you a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit as you fulfill His purpose during these final days. Give everyone a hug from you all! :-)

  2. Hey Y'all! Just read this in a devotion and had to share it with you....... "Your lives are a letter written in our hearts; everyone can read it and recognize our good work among you. Clearly, you are a letter from Christ showing the result of our ministry among you. This "letter" is written not with pen and ink, but with the Spirit of the living God. It is carved not on tablets of stone, but on human hearts." (2 Corinthians 3:2-3)

    How are a letter from God! Love ya!


  3. It has really blessed my heart to follow you on this journey. I am so proud of each and every one of you for the hard work that you have put into this trip. You are certainly a testimony to the love of Christ, and you are spreading that love in a mighty way. I know that it will be emotional as you end this journey, and I pray for your safe return. In all that you have encountered, be sure to tuck it inside of your hearts as a reminder of how awesome our God is and how very blessed we all are! See you soon!
    Marie Wolfe

  4. Another AWESOME day. The Lord is good! Glad to know everyone is safe and also growing at the same time, in many different ways I am sure. Can't wait for my Senior Girl Lexie to be home. Miss You. Keep up the God work! It's the Warrior Way!!

  5. I look forward to each blog with great anticipation. With each descriptive detail it is though I am there in the midst with you all. Oh how the Lord is working in a mighty way! I must confess with each reading I am overcome with tears of joy. Yes, I too count it all for joy! I am so grateful and proud of you all. Can't wait to get a first hand account of every detail. Love and miss you all. Kitten

  6. Read the posts for the first time this morning and am filled with gratitude for all you guys have done. I am so very proud of your hard work, but most of all, I am filled with happiness for the blessings you have received and given. Even though my eyes are filled with tears, my heart is bursting with joy for you! Our family will pray for safe travels and home and we can't wait to hear more about this wonderful missions trip!
    Missy and Bo Stone
