Tuesday, March 6, 2012

96 hours!

"This is my command - be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged. For the LORD your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9

In just 96 short hours the DCS Class of 2012 will start a 6 day journey, following a call to serve Him on the soil of Puerto Rico.

As we pack our bags and finalize the trip plans, pray that our hearts will be prepared to see Him in a new and mighty way. Pray that through this experience our hearts will be broken, our eyes will see through His, and our souls will become alive with His Spirit. Pray that He will do mighty work through our voices and hands for His Kingdom. Pray that we be used as vessels and that His light shine through us brighter than ever before.

T minus 96 hours! Let the countdown begin...


  1. Praying for God to work in and through you in a mighty way! We love you and are trusting God for your safety and testimony! :-)

  2. Sorry for all of the delays the team has had today but God has a reason. Looking forward to the updates this week!

  3. Praying for you daily. Have fun, sing while you work, and allow God's light to shine through you so that everyone you see will see and feel the abundant love of our awesome God. Embrace God's creations, be diligent and watch for God perform miracle's in front of your eyes. We love you!!!

  4. Can't wait to hear about your journey as God takes you on this wonderful adventure! Remember, He has already prepared your path...have fun shining His light on others! God bless and keep you all as you work for HIM!!
    Marie Wolfe

  5. Praying for the ya'll and trusting God will do amazing things! I know He will! Thinking back on this time last year when we were on our mission trip...we had no idea what to expect but God always knows before hand. Let Him guide your heart, your thoughts, and He will give you the perfect words to say to anyone you encounter. So happy to hear about the blessings and miracles that are going to change lives!

  6. I cannot get you all off of my mind and have keeping you in my prayers! Continue God's work. I hope you are having a wonderful time and meeting lots of wonderful people. Everything is good at the Justice home and Splash is at home resting. love, Sandy Justice

  7. "Lord, I have heard the news about you; I am amazed at what you have done. Lord, do great things once again in our time; make those things happen again in our own days." Habakkuk 3:2

    It took me forever to read the first blog, because I read, I cried, I prayed...repeat, repeat. I am amazed by God's work, by the chaperones, and the wonderful children. God bless ya'll. Love, Theresa Davis

  8. Name correction Teresa Davis . We miss you and love you holly your mom.

  9. Sounds like God is moving in everyone's lives. We continue to pray for life changing events and saftey. Hope ya'll have a great Wednesday!! We miss you all (especially Lexie!!). Go Warriors!!

  10. Hey JJ it's Aunt Boo Boo just wanted you to know how proud I am of you. I can not wait to hear some of the great experiences you all have had. I know all of you have made a great impression over there. Have a safe trip home.
    Love you!!!!
